Marilyn Reznick
Chair of the Board of Directors
Educational Results Partnership

Marilyn Reznick is Chairwoman of the Educational Results Partnership Board of Directors. She served 30 years with AT&T, as Vice President of Education Leadership and the Executive Director of the AT&T Foundation. Ms. Reznick created and led philanthropic programs in education and coordinated education activities and relationships across the company. She has worked directly with business leaders, legislators, and educators to advise on strategies and policies to improve student success and workforce readiness. She is also on the board of directors of the Bay and Paul Foundations, where she is co-director of the Ecosystem Integrity and Civil Society and Human Rights grantmaking programs, and secretary of the Investment Committee. Additionally, she has experience in public relations and corporate communications.
Ms. Reznick holds a BFA from The University of Kansas and a MA in history from the University of Illinois, Springfield.