Honor Roll
The annual Honor Roll, presented by Educational Results Partnership (ERP), is part of the national Campaign for Business and Education Excellence. The Campaign engages business leaders in recognizing successful schools and educational systems that are preparing students with the fundamental skills needed to be successful in the workforce and in life. For ten years ERP has presented the Honor Roll--the only school recognition program presented in partnership with state and local business leaders, using solely objective student achievement data as the criteria for recognition. The goal of the Honor Roll is to find and highlight successful schools and districts and encourage collaboration among educators on best practices for raising student achievement.
The 2024 California Honor Roll was released on November 19, 2024. The 2024 Texas Honor Roll was released on March 18, 2025. Which schools and districts made the 2023 Honor Roll in California and Texas? Click on the links below to view the lists.
California Honor Roll
California Honor Roll Schools List (Updated November 19, 2024)
California Honor Roll Districts List (Updated November 19, 2024)
Texas Honor Roll
How do we determine which schools and districts make the Honor Roll? Click on the links below to view the Honor Roll methodology for each state.
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